Inquiry Unit: Family
Students will learn what constitutes a family and how families are similar and different through a cross-curricular inquiry unit devoted to exploration of different family structures and roles. The purpose of this unit is to make students aware of various types of families and values and how to respect differences and accept others. The unit begins with a pre-assessment survey and discussion to determine students’ prior knowledge and conceptions of family structure. We will explore this topic through literature, past and present legislation, and historical social changes regarding family. Throughout the unit, students will gather information through whole and small group discussion, reflective writing, practicing respect, reading literature about families, and research and analysis of historical events. Topics will include divorce rates, age of marriage, women’s rights, gender roles, marriage laws, orphanages, foster care, and adoptive services. The reason for gathering this information is to expand students’ knowledge in preparation for the final project.
The final project will consist of a collective classroom book examining the complexity of family today as determined by historical events and social changes. The book will serve as a reflection and assessment of student knowledge of differences and how these differences came to be. While participation and sharing are important and beneficial for some students, we understand that family can be a sensitive topic and care will be taken to ensure a comfortable environment by maintaining a historical focus, not a personal focus. Assessment evidence is gathered through teacher observation and participation in whole and small group work.
4.A.5 Use reading skills to comprehend a wide range of fiction and nonfiction reading materials (pictures,
visual aids, strategies, and text)
A. Draw conclusions
B. Infer character feelings, traits, and motives
C. Interpret information in new context
D. Interpret non-literal language
4.A.5.4 USING GRAPHIC AND SEMANTIC ORGANIZERS in order to demonstrate:
A. Compare and contrast
B. Cause and effect
C. Main idea and details
A. Identify organizational patterns
B. Classify information/ fact & opinion
C. Recall/sequence events
D. Main idea and details
E. Narrative elements
A. Formulate questions / responses
B. Draw conclusions
C. Self-questioning
A. Formulate questions / responses
B. Draw conclusions
C. Self-questioning
A. Connect to self, others and related information
B. Predict
C. Previewing and setting purposes for reading
D. Use prior knowledge
E. Author’s point of view
4.B.1 Apply the steps of the writing process
4.B.2.1 Informative/expository
4.B.2.7 Response to literature
4.C.2.1 Listen to others with attention and focus:
1. Listening to directions
2. Listening for information
3. Listening in order to respond
4.D.5 Apply conventions of standard English to written work
4.A.1 similarities and differences among individuals, groups, societies, and cultures and how they respond to
human needs and concerns.
STANDARD B: Time, Continuity, and Change
4.B.2 and interpret events in relation to time periods and explain examples of cause and effect relationships.
STANDARD E: Individuals, Groups, and Institutions
4.E.4 examples of how groups and institutions can both promote and prevent furthering the common good.
STANDARD F: Power, Authority, and Governance
4.F.3 examples of how government meets the needs and wants of citizens, provides security and maintains order.
STANDARD J: Civic Ideals And Practices
4.J.2 and identify examples of citizens’ rights and responsibilities.
4.J.4 and explain how civic action influences local, state, and national policy.
· There is more than one type of family.
· Every family is unique and has its own traditions and ways of functioning.
· Family is more than just who you live with every day.
· Family means something different to everyone and there is no set definition, as structure has changed throughout history.
· It’s important to respect each others’ differences.
· Family has changed over time due to legislation, historical events, and social changes.
Essential Questions
· What does it mean to be part of a family?
· What constitutes a family today and historically?
· How do we show respect for others? Why is it important to do so?
· How are families different and similar?
· How have families changed over time? What caused these changes?
Skills Learned
· Understanding how to read and interpret historical text.
o How to pick out main ideas within a text
· Understanding the characteristics of biography and how to write one.
· Knowing how to write a news report/article
· Recognizing reliable sources for research of historical events
· Synthesizing how different historical events have lead to our current state of various family structure
o Divorce rate
o Marriage of family members
o Adoption/orphanages
o Women’s rights
o Interracial marriage
o Age of marriage
o Legal marriage (i.e. same sex marriage)
· Recognizing there are different types of family structure
o One family structure isn’t better than the other
o Different family structures can have similarities
· Why we should respect families of all types
· Understanding the importance of being aware of different family structures
o Friends may have different family structure than you
o Classmates may have families that look different than yours
· There is not one definition of what it means to be a family
o Family can always change (divorce, marriage of siblings, adoption, etc.)
Students will work in small groups focused on different aspects of family to create entries for a class book, which might include a news report or interview, collage, autobiographical account of a person from history, research report, or other piece of writing. Entries will follow a timeline of historical events and social changes and how these have influenced family structure and values today. Students should be able to apply historical event knowledge they have acquired from research and class discussion to family structures today. They should be able to use critical thinking skills to create connections as to how these events have impacted our family structures in today’s society. Students’ writing should draw clear connections between historical events and social changes and the way they influence families and their structure and meanings. Students will be assessed on their ability to effectively write in a specific genre and use the writing process.
Text Set
· The recommended grade level for this unit is fourth grade.
· Resources
o Book Resource
§ A Nineteenth-century schoolgirl : the diary of Caroline Cowles Richards, 1852-1855 by Caroline Cowles Richards.
o Marriage Laws
§ The Women Suffrage Movement by Kristin Thoennes Keller
o Adoptive/Foster Laws
§ A Child Called ‘It’ by Dave Pelzer, excerpts
o Video links
§ The Way We Live: Family Matters: Family. Intelecom, 2005. Full Video.
7 December 2010. <>.
7 December 2010. <>.
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